Panama beach and birding. Part 2.2; Birding Bocas.

On May 11th we went to bird the forested area between Bocas town and bocas del drago, more specifically starting at La gruta intersection. We had Toto drive us there and later we caught a bus back, on our 2.5 hrs we saw:

29 species total

Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Plumbeous Kite
Roadside Hawk
White-throated Crake HEARD ONLY
Purple Gallinule
Northern Jacana
Groove-billed Ani
Long-billed Hermit
Crowned Woodnymph
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
Black-cheeked Woodpecker
Black-crowned Antshrike
Chestnut-backed Antbird
Great Kiskadee
Tropical Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Red-capped Manakin
Golden-collared Manakin
Masked Tityra
Red-eyed Vireo the white superciliary bordered by black was noticed, much less yellow than similar yellow green vireo. 1 individual seen.
Clay-colored Thrush
Passerini’s Tanager
Variable Seedeater
White-collared Seedeater
Buff-throated Saltator
Great-tailed Grackle
Montezuma Oropendola

It was very worth it since we found a plumbeous kite which is a common breeding migrant for Panama, and it was only seen here during our time in Panama, first look of female golden collared manakin.

Plumbeous kite, notice the red primaries.



Not all we saw were birds. Here a three toed sloth

Road side hawk

After that we checked out from the hotel and waited by since we were taking the water taxi to almiranted at 4:30 pm, our bus was a direct one from Almirante to Panama city for a nearly 10h20min. Thus savig us a day as well as a hotel night, buses are big and comfortable with bathrooms in it. It does 2 stops, one by 9:20 pm and the other at 1:30am to eat, use the toilet, strech the legs etc.
We arrived at Panama city at 5:30 am.

Direct buses from Almirante to Panama city depart at 8:00am and 7:00 pm from Almirante, they ask you to be there 45 minutes before bus departure, and really take their advaice, ours left at 6:30pm!! Even dough it was supoused to be 7:00pm! I guess thats bocatorian style.
The bus fee is us$28 per person, buses are big and cimfortable, full A/C make sure to bring a jacket, it was freezing.
Very important, you have to buy bus tickets in advance, this is at taxi 25 office, passport is required.
Other way is take a regular bus from Almirante to David and then take a bus to Panama city, we found using the 7:00pm bus very convenient despite de little sacrifice.

About Johan Chaves

I am a birding guide and naturalist, with a deep passion for birds. I got into birding nearly a decade ago thanks to a friend, then he was fighting leukemia, during his recovery we became great friends and very competitive birders, we did a lot of birding and twitching some rarities through the country, is amazing how much one can learn from a birder friend! he, Roy Orozco left us on August 4th 2016 leaving a huge hole in our hearts. From this point every bird now has a different meaning to me, not just their beauty but the fact that constantly brings the memory of him, whom I owe much of the birder I am today.

Posted on May 25, 2014, in Birds, Panama and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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